Free Gold Subscriptions Purchased So Far!

Thursday 21 July 2011

A quick and easy way to get a Free Xbox LIVE GOLD yearly membership!

Okay, this is one of the biggest flaws about the Xbox that makes people choose the Playstation. Xbox Live. Xbox Live is the online service that Microsoft offers all Xbox 360 users with a broadband connection. There are two levels of Xbox Live; Silver and Gold. Silver is a free service that allows you to download content from the marketplace, message friends, and stream videos. Xbox Live Gold is a monthly paid service that allows you to do anything a Silver user can, along with playing online with other people, connect with Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Zune, and so much more. Unfortunately, it costs a good amount of money. Some people can’t get that money, or just don’t want to fork up $50 a year, so here’s how you get it for free. (You may want to create a second email)

         Step 1: Go to Rewards1 is a very good GPT (Get Paid to) website that offers a variety of   ways to get points. You should see a screen like this. Sign in if you have an account, or make a free one if you don’t. (Make sure you use your primary email to sign up for this website, as this will be the email that the code is sent to you.)

Step 2: Once you have created your account and have verified your email, it’s time to start earning points. There are a few good ways to get points on this website. The first is by completing the daily survey. There are a few surveys that you can complete once a day. Each survey gives you .75 points, which is pretty good for just answering a few questions. The second way of getting points is by completing offers. This is where having a good spam filter or a different email comes in handy. Click on the active offers button and un select everything but the “free” offers. Now, click on the title of the offer to do the offer. Under the title is usually the requirements to get the points and the delay between completion and payout. Across of it is the amount of points you get for finishing it and the popularity of the offer. Offers that are worth under .30 usually take less than 3 minutes to complete, and things go faster if you use Mozilla Firefox and a auto form completer add-on. On average, its possible to make up to 2-10 points per hour, meaning in less than 3 hours you can have a free Xbox LIVE Gold account card.

Step3: Once you have enough points for the gift code (Right now 12 months subscription is currently priced at 35 points) You can choose to cash out your points for the gift code. To do so, hover over the “Rewards” on the black menu bar, and click “Code Rewards”. Scroll down until you see the Xbox LIVE Gold Card. Choose that as your reward. Now, go to the email account that you used to sign up here and you should have the gift code emailed to you within an hour.To Redeem your code, go to Xbox Live or press the guide button on your Xbox, choose marketplace, and redeem code. Enter your 25 digit code and voila, you are now a gold member.
For more information or if you have any queries, please feel free to contact me via the comments section below, have fun!

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